Friday, October 5, 2012

Freaky Friday

I am determined to make good choices this weekend!! I had a horrible day yesterday and my cheat meal turned into a cheat day! That's how it always goes with me, I self sabotage and I just need to learn to stop the cycle! How? I have no clue but I am taking one day at a time and trying to make one good decision in place of a bad one I would have made before. Baby steps, right?

I plan on doing the 30DS day 4 and 5 tonight since my ass didn’t do it last night. I am loving all the support I get from the ML fit page! I facebook creep the page all day lol. Big shout out to Mama Laughlin because without her blog, I wouldn’t have found the fit page! Loved Mama L’s blog post the other day! And I love how candid and open she is! I, like many of you eessed some mean D the other night especially because of her post!  So to all the haters sending hateful comments anonymously - you are LAME!!

Hope all you hookers have an awesome weekend!!


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