Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New plan of action

FINALLY starting to feel like myself again! I have gotten rid of the horrible sickness and cough I had and starting to gain some clarity! Ya know I have never really had an AH-HA moment that everyone talks about. I have really just been trying to "diet" and "lose weight" all my life. But I am 99% sure that I finally had mine. Whatever dark place I was in for whatever reason led me to this conclusion. I was feeling sorry for myself, eating out of control, drinking cokes and wine like they were going out of style, and crying a lot. I was telling myself that I will always be fat, that I can't do it, and that I will never see my goal. I am just suppose to be this way. This is who I am and who I will always be. I was really feeling pretty damn low. 

Maybe I had to go through all of that to get to this moment. The moment I looked myself in the mirror and said you are so much more. You deserve so much better. You ARE worth it! 

So my new plan of action is being put into place. I will be starting the couch to 5k app on my iPhone tomorrow. I have signed up for a color run in March with my favorite girls. I have a walking/running trail literally ONE minute from my job. I will be utilizing this trail M-F from now on even if it is just to walk. I will be doing my Herbalife and healthy meals. I will be getting my 125 oz. of water in everyday. I WILL be happier and healthier in 2013!! 

Who's with me?



  1. Hope your feeling better?! PS TURN YOUR NO COMMENT BLOGGER OFF WOMAN lololol go to www.realitytvgifs.com and just copy and past! Yes, it's THAT easy... I was amazed, too hehe

  2. Thanks Marcy! I think I got it turned off! Let me know if not! lol


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